Sofia's World


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Fall 2007

Visit from Tante Lianne en Om Rob, September

Tante Lianne and Om Rob visited us in Seattle over the Labor Day weekend. They were really nice to me. They brought me presents from Holland, talked to me in Nederlands, and played with me. 

One of the best things we did was visit the Olympic Sculpture Park in Seattle on Sunday afternoon. We walked through the sculptures, then ate our lunch on benches along the waterfront (they had ham sandwiches, but I had peanut butter and jelly). 

Then we walked to the nearby beach, where I put on my bathing suit so I could play in the water [right]. We walked on the rocks, and Papa found crabs for me to pet. I found big pieces of seaweed, too. 

Tante Lianne and Om Rob had to leave on Wednesday. I was very sad to see them go.

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Starting Preschool, September

I started preschool on September 4, 2007. I was excited to go. Mommy had read books to me and showed me an Elmo DVD about going to school, and I had already seen my classroom and met my teachers in August. I felt ready.

That morning I ate Lucky Charms and drank apple juice for breakfast. It was raining outside, so I wore my blue rain jacket. I smiled in Mommy's car all the way there (she took photos at the stoplight).

When we arrived at the Montessori, Mommy and Papa both walked me into the classroom, where Miss Jody and Miss Christina welcomed all the children. Mommy helped me take off my jacket and showed me how to hang it up (I'd never used a hangar before!), and helped me take off my shoes and put on my new school slippers [left]. Then I gave them a quick hug and scampered off into the classroom. I found a water table to play with first, which looked really fun!

When Mommy and Papa left, they waved to me and said goodbye. But I was too busy to pay much attention. Preschool is fun!

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Gymnastics and Dance, September

Along with starting preschool in September, I also began two classes at Northwest Aerials, a gymnastics class on Mondays and a dance class on Thursdays. 

In the gymnastics class, we jump on an elastic floor, crawl along parallel bars, walk on a low balance beam, flip over a bar, and tumble [right]. 

In the dance class, we learn ballet moves, "jazz," and tap.  I like tap the best because I get to wear my shiny new tap shoes and make lots of noise on the floor.

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Pumpkin Farm, October

Cameron, Mommy, Papa, and I visited the South 47 Farm to look at pumpkins and walk through the corn maze. The air was sunny and crisp, but a storm had moved through the day before, pelting the area with rain. Mommy and Papa didn't consider the likelihood that the maze would be a river of mud, and no one had worn mud boots!  

In many places we had to walk on the sides of the path, or even through the corn. Everyone got their tennis shoes very, very muddy. Even though I love stomping in puddles, it was even too much mud for me! But Mommy found all ten maze clues and punched our cards so, at the end, we got prizes of three very cute little pumpkins. I chose a white one [right].

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Halloween, October

Before Halloween, my preschool had a pumpkin carving night; Cameron came and helped me draw a goofy face and carve it.

On October 31st, the Montessori also had a Halloween party. We decorated pumpkin cookies and made ghost necklaces, hanging bats, and pumpkin pictures. Mommy came during class to help with the cookies. I liked having her in the classroom; I could walk over and get hugs any time I wanted. However, at the end of the morning, I wanted her to put on my jacket and carry me. Since I’m supposed to do that myself in the classroom, she said, ”No,” so then I had a tantrum. After preschool I went to Miss Stephanie’s for the afternoon, where Eva and I dressed up in our costumes to play. 

On Halloween night I first went to Scott’s house to show off my pirate costume [left] and visit with Brennan (he was a Star Wars storm trooper). Suzy gave me some special hair clips.

Then after a 6:00 dinner of toasted cheese sandwiches and applesauce, Mommy, Papa, and I headed out to meet Joseph in the neighborhood. I went door to door with Jojo, who was dressed as an astronaut. Sometimes I forgot to say “trick-or-treat,” but I was good at saying “thank you” and “happy Halloween!” I didn’t want to run in the street, but I was determined to carry my own bag and flashlight and to stop at every house possible in the neighborhood. Jojo’s evening was cut short when, stopping at our house to use the potty, he had an accident and had to be carried back home without pants! Once I got back home, I was allowed two pieces of chocolate, and then I had to go right to bed.

Afterword: After Sofia was in bed, Amy "redistributed" the candy, leaving Sofia with lots of lollipops and small, fruit-flavored chewables. A bag of chocolate/peanut butter bars and hard candy was set aside for Cameron. Amy and Jan took most of the chocolate. Even so, Sofia’s bag still had WAY too much sugar in it!

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Big Girl Bed, November

In November, after a lot of painting in the cold garage, Mommy and Papa took down my toddler bed and put up my new big girl bed. It's much higher off the ground, but so far I haven't fallen out of it at night. I also got new down comforter, and Mommy bought pretty new bedding and pink sheets. It's fun to go to bed at night!

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Mexican Cruise, November

Papa and Mommy took me on a big adventure in November (10th to 18th) when we flew on a plane to Long Beach, California, and sailed for a week along the Mexican Riviera on the Golden Princess

The first day we had to get up really early to catch the plane, so after the plane ride I fell asleep in the taxi on the way to the port. Mommy put me in the stroller and pushed me all the way through receiving, registration, security, the welcome and ship's pass photos, the elevator ride to the 9th floor (Dolphin deck), and into our cabin before I woke up!  

I had my own pull-out bed in the mini-suite, a view from the balcony, and my own tv, too!  The first day I ate Jello in the buffet and splashed in one of the hot tubs. We met our waiters, Antonio and Sherwin, in the Bernini room for dinner.  They were nice to me all week long, bringing me alphabet soup, French fries, chocolate milk, and every night for dessert, chocolate ice cream.

The next two days were spent at sea. I liked exploring the ship [left, in the Grand Atrium]. Mommy and Papa took me to "Pelican camp" each afternoon, and I had a great time!  We made crafts, played games, had our faces painted, sang songs, watched Sponge Bob, and even ate ice cream. I don't know what they did while I was gone, but I didn't care; I asked them every day to please let me go to camp.

The next three days the shipped stopped in in Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, and Cabo San Lucas. In each place, Mommy and Papa always found a beach for me to play on. 

In Puerto Vallarta we did lots of walking. We had chips and lemonade and ice cream and shopped in a market where Mommy bought me a doll. 

In Mazatlan we rode a tour bus with Carmen, our guide. We stopped at a big cathedral, but I had to use the potty, so we saw more of a nearby restaurant's restroom than the church. While the bus stopped for shopping, Mommy and Papa changed me into my bathing suit and took me to the beach. We also saw a diver jump into the sea, but my favorite part was watching the folk dance show and the Pamplanta Flyers, who climbed to the top of a tall pole and then flew down at the ends of long ropes. 

In Cabo we walked a long way on a beach until we finally came to a place with chairs, umbrellas, and lots of people in the water. Mommy and Papa took turns relaxing under an umbrella with limeade and playing with me in the sand [right, with Princess in the background]. 

Each afternoon, after we got back to the ship, I loved putting on my swim vest and swimming in one of the pools. I made good friends with whoever I found there. 

On our last day we got off the ship in the morning and drove to a hotel in Long Beach. After a swim in the pool and a little lunch, Mommy and I went to the Aquarium of the Pacific (Papa went to Starbuck's).  For two hours I looked at lots of fish, watched seals and otters play, and petted sharks and rays. It was really fun. Then we all took a long walk through the park/marina to the nearby lighthouse. I rolled around on the lawn while the sky turned orange.

The next morning we took a plane home again. I didn't really want to go home. I wanted to go back on the ship again.


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